Happy Friday the 13th, everyone! Remember, if you decide to go camping tonight, watch out for hockey players!
Courtesy of http://crustula.com/2013/09/13/happy-friday-the-13th/
Things you should check out…
Woot! New (beta) version of balsamiq Mockups! This is still my favorite tool for doing UI mockups.
If you're an entrepreneur or a micro-ISV, there are a slew of tools worth checking out in this list from Product Hunt.
There's some great stuff in the latest SQL Azure release. Still no support for cache dependencies though.
is.js has a function to check just about everything, from the browser’s environment (is.desktop()) to regex (is.creditCard(...)).
Tune up your CSS..
Codrops added an awesome CSS reference.
I have a better understanding of AngularJS and how CSS animations intersect thanks to this write-up.
Angular All The Things…
Curious about how React, AngularjS, and Knockout stack up, performance-wise? As with all benchmarks this one isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty balanced.
MeteorJS is a lot more than just a client-side app framework. In fact, you can use Angular with Meteor.
You can also use Flux with AngularJS.
…until you can Aurelia All The Things!
Someone beat me to an Aurelia vs. AngularJS deathmatch series.
Rob Eisenberg has more to say about Aurelia and its current state at the Durandal blog.
Did you know…
If you get a 404 from Azure about woff files, here's your fix.
You can run ReactJS on ASP.NET.
Blaze is a front-end framework from the Meteor guys. This is probably more comparable to AngularJS. I don't particularly care for the syntax at first glance, but maybe that's just me...